Sybiz Vision & Visipay V19 is now available!

Sybiz Vision V19 and Sybiz Visipay V19 have now been released

You may have missed it but Sybiz v19 of Vision and Visipay are already here…

In a break with tradition of releasing new major releases in October/November each year, Sybiz have really stepped up this year with not only an early major release, but a MAJOR list of enhancements – in Sybiz Vision.

What’s New and what’s in it for me?

With so many changes, and functional additions to the software, it is even more likely that this year’s release will have something to benefit you and your business.

The major areas covered include, (but are not limited to:

  • Major advancements in sales order management
  • More advanced stock replenishment intelligence
  • Extensions to Pay and Process
  • Changes to product maintenance
  • Improvements to transaction capabilities

For more details, and videos, check out the following info page –

Ready to jump in and upgrade – or want to know more?

As always, we’re here and ready to help you get more from your systems!  But, to ensure that this transition is both high return and low risk for you and your business, we need to plan this out diligently.

What are your options:

  1. Like to discuss more?
  2. Like us to call and provide a complimentary 1 hour “Business Systems Review”?
  3. Ready to jump right in and book your upgrade?

The next step is registering your interest with us by completing these online upgrade forms:

Sybiz Vision Upgrade Form

Sybiz Visipay Upgrade Form

What about October 2019 – will there still be a release then also?

At this stage the latest information from Sybiz is that there will indeed still be a “Sybiz v20” release around November this year.  But there are so many beneficial enhancements in v19 can you really afford to put it off until then!

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Progressive Business Technologies