What is new in the Sybiz Vision Version 22?
Laura James
December 6, 2021
3:17 pm
Sybiz Vision V22 is focused on mobility, customisation and automation. With automated features like Bank Feeds and mobility functionality, Version 22 will give you back more time in your day.
Version 22 has new features to help improve the user experience and navigation. Many improvements to standard reports and a few new reports have been added.
Read more about these new features and enhancements below.
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New Features
Bank Feeds
You can now automate your cashbook processing with bank feeds. Users will be able to securely connect to the bank and download statements directly into Sybiz Vision. Rules can be created to automate matching of transactions based on pre-defined criteria. New transactions can be created for the exceptions such as bank fees.

GL accrual posting accounts
In Job Cost and Service, there are new options for posting to accrual accounts in the GL. This will allow any costs that are not yet invoiced to be posted to an accrual account. When the invoice is eventually posted, the accrual account is cleared and posted the appropriate account for accurate P&L reporting.
Mobile Applications
Mobile Sales App
The mobile sales app can be installed on any smart device from both Apple & Google Play. Your field sales team and sales reps out in the field can create orders, review transactions and give them the info they need at their fingertips.
Mobile Purchases App
The mobile sales app can be installed on any smart device from both Apple & Google Play. The Purchases App allows creditors transactions to be processed from anywhere directly from their smart device. Requisitions can also be created and approved from the Purchases app.
Mobile Jobs App
Users can now manage their jobs whilst out on the job. If you are not in the office, from the Jobs App, you can manage costs, appointments and purchase orders related to the job. Additional costs, PO’s and additional costs can be created against the job.
Mobile Stock App
Warehouse staff now have the ability to do stocktakes and sales picks from the mobile stock app.
The Web API framework enables secure access to Sybiz Vision transactions and data allowing you to connect and integrate Sybiz Vision data to other devices and software applications.
Almost all transactions are supported, even CRM objects.
Convert Sales Orders, Invoices and Quotes
Before sales transactions have been posted, you can now convert Sales Orders and invoices to quotes. You can also do this in reverse.
Create Sales transactions from other lines
Speed up data entry by copying lines from another sales transaction without losing your data.
Cancel or Delete Orders Simply
You can now delete Sales Orders and Purchase Orders without having to use the wizard to cleanse orders.
Suspend Preferred Suppliers
For preferred suppliers, a “suspend until date” has been added. The supplier will then not be suggested as a default, but can still be manually transacted against with the appropriate user rights.
Customise transaction prefix and suffix
The prefix and suffix that identifies the transaction type can now be removed when emailing customer. For example (SINV98765-V2). This setting can be done by transaction type.
Extend email signatures
Rich text email signatures can now be used to make emails more personal. This is a setting that can be specific to different email templates.
Line Notes on Assemblies
Descriptive/instructional line notes can now be added to first-level assemblies on manufacture orders. These notes become part of the recipe for defining the components of the assembly.
Manufacturing Enhancements:
Several manufacturing enhancements are in Version 22:
Line Notes on Assemblies
Descriptive/instructional line notes can now be added to first-level assemblies on manufacture orders. These notes become part of the recipe for defining the components of the assembly.
Individually Fulfill manufacture orders
New filtering options in Manufacture Work Orders allow you to transfer singular items or several work orders rather than all at the same time.
Improvements to Assembly Delivery
The Manufacture on Delivery process has been improved so that when an assembled item is returned, where “manufacture on delivery” and “explodable on return to stock” is checked, it will return the finished good.
Inventory Improvements:
More information on product locations
Additional data such as contact, address, instructions can be added to product locations to help automate and simplify the purchasing process.
Product enquiry from stocktake screen
When doing a stocktake you can right-click to enquire about the item.
Price Precision Improvements
Purchasing and Sales price precision now have separate settings.

More information on the Jobs and Service Scheduler
Right click and enquire on a job or service request from the scheduler to get more information.
Many, many more enhancements include:
- Purchase templates can be job or service request specific
- Subtotals can now be viewed in Job Cost viewer
- Expenses and receipts can quickly be recorded against service requests from the cashbook
- Emailing purchase requisitions to the approval delegates
- Purchase requisitions can now have multiple approval groups
- Custom pivot view can be exported
- Improvements to many standard reports, including two new reports:
- Purchase variance report
- Job summary report
- Compatibility with Windows 11
- Product bins can be included in the product catalogue report
- Statements can be exported in different formats